Build and Enhance Your Marriage – Counseling Sessions to Empower Couples
With Valentine’s Day approaching, it is a great time for couples to reflect on their marriage, on what is working well and what could perhaps be improved. Hopefully, your marriage is abundant with love and joy. Sometimes though, life -and our own selves – bring us challenges that can stress and maybe overwhelm, even the strongest of relationships.
“Build and Enhance Your Marriage” sessions seek to empower couples to address these challenges
Areas of Focus of Sessions May Include Any or All of the Following Goals, Challenges and Concerns, or Whatever Most Resonates for the Couple:
- Deepen Awareness and Communication On Heart and Soul Levels
- Develop Greater Understanding and Acceptance of Similarities and Differences
- Increase Honesty, Fearlessness, Trust, and Non-Attachment
- Lovingly Hold Each Other’s Vulnerabilities
- Strengthen Marriage Vision and Commitment
- Expand Peace and Joy
- Integrate Kindness and Compassion in Everyday Interaction
- Address Conflicts Effectively
- Illuminate and Align Spiritual Paths
- Clear Away Relationship Baggage
Modalities include meditation, guided visualization, role play, exercises, deep listening, and more!
One hour sessions @ $95
Can be done in person, by Skype or other video link, or by phone
Contact Rev. Gary for more information and to schedule an initial consultation
PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the couple and their issue(s), additional therapeutic support from other professionals may be necessary