Upcoming Events & Updates:

From Grief to Gratitude
6 week in-person group
Begins Feb 25

Conversation Circle
Relationship-building dialogue, on Zoom
Begins in March

New Blog Post
STAND UP! – Existential terror and keeping our hearts open to everyone

Reverend Gary’s Services

spiritual counseling Reverend Gary Shapiro

Spiritual Counseling

Caring Presence, Accompaniment & Exploration, Connection, Growth & Healing
Chaplaincy Care

Chaplaincy Care

Comforting presence, encouragement and support in homes, hospitals and care centers; “care for the caregivers” 1:1 support and group learning
Transformative Peace Building

Transformative Peace Building

Building sustainable peace by integrating personal development, faith, communal relationship-building, and holding different truths together
Wedding Officiant WNC western NC

Joyous Weddings

Personalized wedding ceremonies meaningful for each couple. Ceremony performed in English and/or Spanish

Death Doula Dying Transitioning

Death & Dying Ministry

Embracing death through life completion and healing, accompanying, honoring & staying connected
Conversation Circle Groups

Conversation Circle

Compassion-based approach to talking with each other, for the purpose of learning, understanding, and building relationships across civic divides
Ministry Worship services observances

Sacred Celebrations & Life Transitions

Worship Services, Observances & Ceremonies honoring life’s journey and connection to the Divine

Bereavement Services Workshops

Bereavement Services

Companioning on the Grief Journey to Support the Befriending & Transformation of Grief

growth and fulfillment workshops

Relationship Growth & Life Fulfillment

Learning & support for creating and living new stories that embrace change, discover new purpose, express soul yearning, shift from a mentality of “alone” to “us”

Companioning People Through Their Life’s Journey

What Is an Interfaith and Inter-spiritual Minister?

An interfaith and inter-spiritual minister assists people of all faiths and paths—religious, spiritual, and secular—to discover and deepen one’s unique and authentic relationship to one’s wise inner self and to that larger something, beyond oneself. Call it the divine, God, love, humanity, nature, or whatever is one’s sacred source of meaning, truth, and strength.

My Vision and Mission

As an interfaith and inter-spiritual minister, I honor and engage the vast diversity of faiths, beliefs, traditions, and life experiences. I seek to discern the deeper unity and universal truths in them. My work is grounded in the underlying common values of love, compassion, kindness, peace, forgiveness, respect, tolerance, humility, curiosity, open-mind, open-heart, and “do no harm.” I serve people primarily as a companion, mirror, guide, and educator toward the following spiritual and life aims:

  • Harmonize one’s inner and outer life, and more deeply attune it to the sacred source
  • Increase joy and ease pain and suffering
  • Embrace and celebrate the milestones, transitions, and sacred in life
  • Discern life meaning and purpose
  • Support healing and growth
  • Transform conflict
  • Address challenges around personal goals, self-image, love, relationships, family, work, and health

My Ordination Vow for Inclusion and Inner Work

Toward these aims, I dedicate myself to serving all individuals, groups, and communities, without regard to race, religion, socioeconomic status, nationality, ethnic background, political affiliation, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender, or age. And, to be most effective and authentic in serving others, I commit to my own ongoing spiritual development and personal healing work.

Learn More About Reverend Gary and His Services

Reverend Gary provides spiritual ministry care and support through counseling, chaplaincy, weddings and other life transitions/celebrations, death and dying (including end-of-life accompaniment, funerals and grief groups), political bridgebuilding conversations, worship services, and more.

Reverend Gary’s Blog Writing

Discover heartwarming stories, inspiration, ceremonies and ritual, peace building guidance
and more to improve & empower your life’s story!

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STAND UP! – Existential terror and keeping our hearts open to everyone

Recently, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt stabs of existential terror, that I was no longer safe in my own country, the United States. It had been a couple of weeks since Trump was inaugurated, and began exercising raw overwhelming power that no one...

Ukraine: “I pray that this dark hour will give way to a rosy morning.”

From my Ukrainian friend: Please donate to provide humanitarian aide to the people of Ukraine. One good organization to support, among many, is “Nova Ukraine” Go to     www.novaukraine.org Today we continue to mourn the suffering, death and destruction...

Build and Enhance Your Marriage – Counseling Sessions to Empower Couples

With Valentine's Day approaching, it is a great time for couples to reflect on their marriage, on what is working well and what could perhaps be improved. Hopefully, your marriage is abundant with love and joy. Sometimes though, life -and our own selves - bring us...

The Flower and the Donkey: Russian Cupid’s Arrow Leads to Marriage

A few days ago, I had the great pleasure of officiating the wedding of Luc and Galina, my first wedding of 2017. The couple’s story is somewhat unique. Luc is French-Canadian, from Montreal, and Galina is Russian, from Moscow. On a whim, Luc decided to check out an...

Winter Solstice: Walking Toward the Dawn

Today, December 21, here in the northern hemisphere, is the beginning of winter, when the sun is at its farthest southern point, making tonight the longest night of the year. Now, when cold and darkness abound, it is a time when we are invited to go within, to reflect...

Free of Earthly Chains – Commending the Soul of a Caring Man into God’s Hands

Earlier this week, I led a funeral service for a beloved man in New Hampshire, who lived his whole life in the local area. The essence of this person was CARING. He cared a huge amount for his family, but perhaps most amazing was the abundance of care he gave to those...

Four Questions Toward Bridging the Divides

The key to beginning to bridge the huge social and political divides that the election results brought out so starkly is to engage and build relationships with each other rather than continue to attack and defeat each other. To do that, it is essential that we first...

The Power of Listening

“I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. … When people are talking, there’s no need to do anything but receive them. … Listen to...

The Marriage of a Family – Roots Intertwining and Fusing into One

These days, for two people getting married, it is not at all unusual that one or both of them have been married before and have children. So, oftentimes now, it is not just the couple joining their lives together in marriage, but also it’s a joining of their families,...

A Safe and Caring Place to Hold and Nurture Each Other Right Now

This past Sunday a colleague and I facilitated a post-election gathering for over 2 hours at my local Unitarian Universalist Church, near Hartland Vermont, to talk about what’s going on for each of us in the aftermath of the presidential election and to look at some...