Spiritual Counseling - Caring and Companioning

Individual Counseling | Couples Counseling

Caring, Presence, Accompaniment, Exploration to Deepen Awareness, Connection, Growth & Healing of Heart, Mind & Soul

Spiritual Counseling Couples counseling

Spiritual Counseling – Caring and Companioning

Spiritual counseling is a relationship of companioning, witnessing, and exploration for individuals, couples, and groups, of all faiths and beliefs – whether spiritual, religious, or secular – to explore and address the aspirations and challenges of life, to more intimately know oneself and one’s Source, to find greater meaning and more fully live one’s life journey, and to support personal transformation toward wholeness.

Through caring loving presence, holding of sacred space, compassionate listening and mirroring, along with a range of modalities and practices, Rev Gary guides counselees to deepen connection to their personal source of strength, to the love and compassion of their heart, to the wisdom of their Higher Self, and to the Divine, according to each counselee’s particular faith tradition, beliefs, and practices.

Rather than give judgment or advice, Rev. Gary assists counselees to more joyfully and authentically live in the total experience of their life and to find answers within.

“A teacher cannot give you truth. The truth is already in you”  (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Areas of Exploration

Life Challenges and Changes

  • Embrace and celebrate life transitions
  • Create healthy relationship with money
  • Deal with illness, aging, end-of-life issues
  • Experience grief, loss, letting go of fear of death and embracing it; connecting with departed souls
  • Growing inner peace and resilience through life’s challenges

Connection to Spirit

  • Increase alignment and surrender to Spirit and Divine Will; holding ego demands and goals more lightly; be more at peace with what is (yet more empowered to change what is changeable); embracing Mystery
  • Build a bridge between the separated self and Higher Self.
  • Deepen spiritual awareness and connection to sacred Source; finding one’s spiritual path/home, incorporating spirituality and Divine/God in daily life
  • Address spiritual crises – loss of faith, betrayal of God, dark night of soul, spiritual emergencies and spiritual trauma;
  • Develop and commit to a regular spiritual practice that truly fits counselee

Personal Growth and Transformation

  • Transformation: “How can I BE differently”, not “how can I be different”?
  • Learn from pain and struggles; heal old wounds; moving beyond aloneness
  • Healing wounds from family and/or religion of origin
  • Witness and disengage the Inner Judge
  • Discern meaning and purpose in life; discover one’s true calling & passion

Optimal Living and Being• Slow down, be more grounded, live more in the present and with greater authenticity

  • Expanding one’s joy
  • Deep listening to – and greater integration of – body, mind, heart, soul
  • Strengthen hope and engaging/lessening fear and despair
  • Deepen trust and intuition; unlocking the imagination


  • Create more loving and fulfilling relationships; Open up to intimacy with oneself and others
  • Moving beyond aloneness to a sense of us
  • Creating space, acceptance and connection with other mindsets, cultures, ways of being.
  • Interpersonal/ group conflict resolution and transformation
  • Marriage counseling, spiritual divorce, post-divorce spiritual friendship

Modalities and Practices

To understand the richness of life experiences and embrace the healing journey of the mind, heart, and soul, Rev. Gary offers counselees many modalities and practices as possible avenues to explore. These include: meditation, prayer, guided visualization, body scan, ritual, silence, gratitude, forgiveness, sacred text, poetry and storytelling, spiritual biography, spiritual sensitivities, soul and purpose maps, Jungian archetypes, faith styles, dream work, chakras, family of origin work (such as child archetypes and attachment types), and disengaging the inner judge. The actual modalities and practices used depends entirely on what is most useful and appropriate for each counselee.

Populations Served

Rev. Gary works with all populations, but his practice is primarily focused on adult individuals, couples, elders, groups/organizations, and those ill and dying.


Private sessions can be in person or via Zoom (it’s preferable for at least the first couple of sessions to be in person, if at all possible, before Zooming). In rare situations, sessions may be done by phone. For the most part, the work is open-ended, until the counselee(s) decides to terminate. Workshops for groups of individuals or couples are available. 8 people minimum Contact Rev. Gary for details.

Length of Sessions: 50-60 minutes

Fee: $120 per private session, to be paid at time of service, unless other arrangements are made. If fee amount is a hardship, please discuss sliding scale and other options with Rev. Gary

No-Show, Cancellation And Late Policies

Barring emergencies, usual fee will be charged if counselee doesn’t show for scheduled session or if cancellation is made less than 24 hours of session. If counselee is late, session will generally not be extended past the allotted time.


All information discussed in sessions is confidential. The only exceptions are when a counselee poses a danger to themselves or others, when requested by a court of law, or for purposes of professional supervision (in which case, your name and identifying information will not be used). Please be advised that disclosure of child abuse or suicide attempts must be reported, by law.

PLEASE NOTE: Spiritual counseling is not a substitute for psychotherapeutic or psychiatric specialized treatment of substance abuse, trauma, mental illness, depression or other serious conditions, but rather can serve as an adjunct, reinforcement, and spiritual support.

What My Clients Say

5 star review

Max – Vermont

“I didn’t know what to do about my problems, and wanted advice, but I did not get that directly. Instead, Gary helped me to go deep inside myself, to focus and sort through things more clearly, and figure out what the real issue was and what I really wanted to do about it.  He asked me, “What does your wise Self tell you about this?” and “What is your heart wanting?” He helped me see parts of myself that had been closed off and needed to be opened up. He helped me gently on my way, always there as my cheerleader, my mentor, my counselor.”

5 star review

Melissa – Vermont

“Stepping into Gary’s quiet, peaceful studio, then sitting down while he lit a candle and read a short poem, I remember the relief I felt as the busy day slipped away from me. The sessions with Gary offered me much needed support and a chance to feel listened to, as well as the opportunity for some quiet self-reflection. He listened without judgment, was supportive without being directive and compassionate without trying to fix anything.”

5 star review

Mary – New Jersey

“I worked with Gary for one year on a monthly basis. I looked forward to our sessions as he opened with a poem, was accepting of wherever I was in my life and with whatever I wanted to talk about and always had helpful questions or comments. I especially liked how he helped me focus on what would God want for me of my spiritual journey. Gary is a sensitive, understanding, accepting man who knows how to listen extremely well.”

Inspiration Blog Posts

The Power of Listening

“I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. … When people are talking, there’s no need to do anything but receive them. … Listen to...

Solitude and Community

“… we need solitude and community simultaneously: what we learn in one mode can check and balance what we learn in the other. Together, they make us whole, like breathing in and breathing out. … Solitude does not necessarily mean living apart from others; rather, it...

“No News is Good News”

My Dad was generally a man of few words, but one of his favorite expressions was “No News is Good News”. This is usually taken to mean that if you don’t hear from somebody or about something, then you can assume all is okay, because if something was wrong you’d hear...

For Courage

At this dark post-election time, when fear, division, and uncertainty abound in our country, there is a natural tendency to either lash out in protective reactive mode or else retreat and hide in helpless and overwhelm mode. But there is another choice – to stop and...

The Blessings of Darkness – Finding Our Way Forward After the Election

I went to bed on Election night very uneasy, as the dark political forces of fear, division, and “othering” that have been building for many months now seemed on the verge of winning. In and out of sleep, I continued to pray for a miracle that they wouldn’t. But when...

Unity Cross Ritual – Joining and Held Together by God

At a wedding I officiated last Saturday on a beautiful hilltop in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the couple chose to include the Christian ritual of the Unity Cross. Signifying the wedding covenant, the Unity Cross is a lasting reminder of the Bride and Groom...

Lovingly Piercing the Thin Veil Between the Worlds

As noted in the previous blog post, this past weekend, the end of October, was the time of the ancient celebration of Samhain (pronounced “Sah-win”), observed by Pagans and others around the world. Samhain is the root of our modern religious celebration of All Saints...

Happy Mother’s Day – For All Those Who Have Nurtured Us

Today is Mother’s Day, and my wife and I gathered with some friends to celebrate the occasion. I asked everyone to reflect on their experiences with their own mothers, as well as for those who are mothers themselves to reflect on that part of their lives. While we...


In worship services I’ve led this month, I have focused on the theme of acceptance of life changes and how they can be a vehicle for transformation. Some changes we love and welcome, like getting married, a better job etc., and others we struggle with greatly, such as...

The Empowering Embrace of Helplessness

As mentioned in an earlier posting, I had elective surgery recently. I’ve been recuperating at home ever since. I’m progressing nicely, but surgery by nature is invasive and an assault on the body, so recovery is a slow process. There’s been a fair amount of physical...

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