For Courage
At this dark post-election time, when fear, division, and uncertainty abound in our country, there is a natural tendency to either lash out in protective reactive mode or else retreat and hide in helpless and overwhelm mode. But there is another choice – to stop and breathe, summon up our inner resources – foremost among them being courage – and face the darkness with renewed light. So I take much heart and inspiration from these wise words by John O’Donohue, the great Irish poet and Celtic spiritual teacher. And many thanks to a loving friend, for sending them to me.
“For Courage” – John O’Donohue
When the light around you lessen
And your thoughts darken until
Your body feels fear turn
Cold as a stone inside
When you find yourself bereft
Of any belief in yourself
And all you unknowingly
Leaned on has fallen
When one voice commands
Your whole heart,
And it is raven dark,
Steady yourself and see